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Nettoyage et harmonisation énergétique de votre habitation et de votre lieu habituel de travail durant un mois

dessins noir et blanc de maison et de bureaux

In everyday life, your work is often the main generator of stress, unhappiness, fatigue, bad moods and a host of other negative things that rot your life every day and have a major influence on your health and family life.


The premises where you work retain the energetic imprint of what goes on there every day, and give it back to you intact, every morning, when you return there to earn the pennies you need to pay your bills, feed your family and indulge in a few distractions now and then.


At the end of the day, you take home the energy generated by your work environment, and it has a major influence on the contacts you have with your family members... These members of your family, too, have certainly experienced stressful situations and various annoyances during their day at work or school.


All these energies coming from “elsewhere” mix together in your home and generate irritation and tension in your relationships with your loved ones. All things you could do without.


There's a way to improve all this: clean, regenerate and harmonize the places you live and work in on a daily basis.

Cleansing, regenerating and harmonizing the energetic memory of these places is what we propose on this page.




What are the effects of cleaning these places?

As soon as you've paid for the service you're interested in, the energy work will begin directly in your home and workplace. You'll soon feel the effects: the atmosphere will be lighter, more breathable, less oppressive. As a result, the people who frequent these places will be less irritated and more pleasant to be around, and as far as the energetic cleansing of your usual workplace is concerned, your day will seem less tiring, less time-consuming and, above all, less stressful.


Since your working environment will be softer, the energies you bring home will be more fluid and your relationships with your loved ones will be much more serene and harmonious.... and your pets will also be less nervous.


In addition to the energetic cleansing of your workplace, there will also be a cleansing of your home....


Finally, because you'll be calmer, your sleep will be better and... you'll be less stressed, less tired and your quality of life will be much improved.




Purpose of the proposed service

Energetic cleansing, regeneration and harmonization of a single dwelling, apartment or normal-sized house, according to the formula detailed on the “Dwellings” page, plus energetic cleansing, regeneration and harmonization of your usual place of work (office, counter, cash desk, factory workstation, etc.), whether you work there or run it.


The energy action will continue as long as the service is paid for.

As regards your usual place of work, if you are not the owner of the premises, the energy work will be carried out when you are present, but without harming other people in the area.

These services can only be contracted for premises frequented by people of legal age. We do not wish to work on the energy of places frequented by your under-age children, and therefore not in schools.

The service is individual and will only cover one place of residence and one usual place of work. If you usually work in several locations, contact us and we'll work out a service package to suit your specific needs (valid only for monthly subscription packages).




We offer you a choice of two different formulas, available as one-off one-month services or monthly subscriptions:


Two days a week: Saturday and Sunday for homes and Monday and Thursday for regular workplaces, for one month.

Every day for one month for homes and regular workplaces.


These services can only be provided by a person of legal age, and in some countries may be included in a company's overheads and/or in the professional expenses of its employees. Ask your tax inspector for more information.

 For 1 month




 60 €

 For 1 month



45 €



Durant 1 mois




 120 €



Durant 1 mois




 90 €

Other formulas available on request


Perhaps you have several private residences or workplaces, or are the head of one or more companies.


We can tailor energy service packages to meet your specific needs. We invite you to ask us your questions using the contact form.



General terms and conditions

You will find the general terms and conditions of sale for these services on the “General terms and conditions” page.

2014 - 2024 by LCDE COACHING - POMBAL - Portugal. All rights reserved. 

Energy services will never replace medical care but can complement it. The advice or comments we provide on this site should not be considered as a diagnosis of any kind. The latter is reserved for members of the medical profession, to which we do not belong.

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